BTA/Single Tube DrillingThe STS single pipe system is also known as the BTA system. The coolant is supplied to the tool through a pressure head device, which seals and clamps the parts. In addition, the coolant is directed to the cutting surface through the space between the drill pipe and the drilling hole, which provides both bit lubrication and appropriate chip removal flow. The combination of debris and coolant is returned internally through the inner diameter of the tool and drill pipe, and then the coolant is returned.&Nbsp;The STS Single Tube System or metrics referred to as the BTA system Coolant is supplied to the tool through a pressure head unit which seals and clamps resist the part Also, the coolant is directed to the cutting face via the space between the drill tube and the hole being drilled This positive coolant flow provides both drill head lubrication and proper flow for chip removal The combination of chips and coolant returns internally through the L.D. of the tool and drill tube and then back to the coolantDouble Tube Drilling/Ejector DrillingDual pipe system; DTS” Or sometimes referred to as drilling; Ejector; System refers to the supply of coolant on the machine tool spindle through a special coolant inducer or connector. In addition, as the name suggests, the drilling system consists of an outer tube and an inner tube, with one end connected to the coolant inducer and the other end connected to the drill bit through a fast lead four point thread.&Nbsp;The double tube system&quo; DTS "or sometimesreferred to as the" Ejector "system of drilling is where the coolant is supplied at the machine spindle through a special coolant inducer or connector. Also, as the name implies, this drilling system consists of an outer and inner tube that is connected to the coolant inducer at one end and to a drill head at the other end by means of a fast lead, four start thread